Sunday, October 28, 2012


Still here. I know what the problem is. I am technology challenged. I have a very hard time posting pictures, therefore I don't want to write anything, because to be honest I like most blogs for the pictures.
Since last post, my oldest daughter is expecting again( in two days!), a girl this time, my second oldest daughter bought herself a car(Jeep Liberty)and is doing some online work to possibly change jobs within the same hospital she works for, my youngest daughter is in school full-time and working, my youngest of all is AWAY at school! My grandson has a mouth full of teeth, is talking really good, and has loads of personality. My son-in-law is still plugging away as an accountant and doing a great job supporting his family. I am one proud Mama and Nonnie!
I probably have the cleanest house in the neighborhood, because the only thing I know to do with all this free time is clean. I said that I might open a grief counceling service for homeschool moms. Someone should have told me how awful this would feel. I feel like I shoud go recruit other people's kids and teach them something. I've changed my goal from trying to blog once a week to trying to blog once every six months. Maybe I can do that. I hate setting goals that are unobtainable.