Monday, November 21, 2011

I've Waited Forty-six Years For This

I finally got to be one of those GrandMas that you see at the mall with their daughter and grandbaby. I've waited forever for that experience, and I wasn't one bit disappointed. It was even better than I thought it would be. Porter was perfect! Perfectly adorable, perfectly funny, and perfectly sweet. Especially when he just leaned his head against mine and stayed there. I wouldn't have moved for the world. Oh how spoiled that baby would be if I were any closer. Jenna and I had so much fun picking out clothes and pajamas for him. I love all the thought that went into those pj's. I can't wait to do it again, with lunch(stupid diet).

Emma had her first craft show. Live and learn is all I have to say about that. She has some beautiful aprons, burp clothes, and taggie blankets if anyone is interested. Just leave me a comment.

Will is filling out college applications. Did I just say that? He's the youngest. What happened? I thought I just changed his diaper. There is no telling where he will end up. I've realized that if I suggest it, he will not apply. So I'm thinking about suggesting oly colleges that over an hour away. That way he will stay close;)

It's almost time to gobble til I wobble. I can't wait. I love Thanksgiving! Giving thanks to God for all he has done this year is going to take a while. I realize that not just this week but all year we are to continually give thanks. Even for the trials. Things I am thankful for...Sean and Jenna having a healthy delivery, Porter, my husband, children, and myself having salvation, our health, and our love for each other. When one of us falls the others are there to pick them up, brush them off and encourage them to try again. There aren't too many families like that.