Monday, November 21, 2011

I've Waited Forty-six Years For This

I finally got to be one of those GrandMas that you see at the mall with their daughter and grandbaby. I've waited forever for that experience, and I wasn't one bit disappointed. It was even better than I thought it would be. Porter was perfect! Perfectly adorable, perfectly funny, and perfectly sweet. Especially when he just leaned his head against mine and stayed there. I wouldn't have moved for the world. Oh how spoiled that baby would be if I were any closer. Jenna and I had so much fun picking out clothes and pajamas for him. I love all the thought that went into those pj's. I can't wait to do it again, with lunch(stupid diet).

Emma had her first craft show. Live and learn is all I have to say about that. She has some beautiful aprons, burp clothes, and taggie blankets if anyone is interested. Just leave me a comment.

Will is filling out college applications. Did I just say that? He's the youngest. What happened? I thought I just changed his diaper. There is no telling where he will end up. I've realized that if I suggest it, he will not apply. So I'm thinking about suggesting oly colleges that over an hour away. That way he will stay close;)

It's almost time to gobble til I wobble. I can't wait. I love Thanksgiving! Giving thanks to God for all he has done this year is going to take a while. I realize that not just this week but all year we are to continually give thanks. Even for the trials. Things I am thankful for...Sean and Jenna having a healthy delivery, Porter, my husband, children, and myself having salvation, our health, and our love for each other. When one of us falls the others are there to pick them up, brush them off and encourage them to try again. There aren't too many families like that.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

A Little of Nothing

I had to get this post in before midnight so that I could keep up with the once a week blogging goal.

Not much has gone on this week. But here goes... Will had his state cross country meet in Winston Salem. He did his personal best, then I got to go to Old Salem. I loved it. Will had his last cross country meet of the year and got lost driving there, and missed it. Not a happy time! I didn't see Jesse any this week, but rumor has it she has no clean scrubs or underwear...according to Nana. I don't think any big news came out of the Mitchell household, other than smoking meat in the front yard, aka redneck. Emma's been all crafty, getting ready for the show.

I cooked a new recipe, it was really good. I'll share it next time.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Monday, October 17, 2011

Bad, Bad Nonni

So...I'm not even going to try and recreate the last six months of my life. You would think I've been watching too many soap operas. Anyway I am going to set a goal of updating this blog once a week.

Right now Sean has passed two of his four CPA exams; he took another one this morning. Jenna is a full-time SAHM(stay-at-home-mom); she watches another little boy named Isaiah. Jesse is still working at the hospital; she is doing school part-time online. Emma is crafting like crazy; she has her first show on Nov. 19. Will is DRIVING!!! I am so glad for another driver in the house. He pretty much taught himself. I stink at teaching driving. Will is taking three classes, two for college credit. That leaves Porter. Oh my goodness! As Jenna calls him, squishy-face-man. There's nothing so adorable in the whole world.

When my children were little, it seems like all Todd and I talked about was the children. Now all we talk about is Porter! When you see his picture you will know why. One thing I do want to remember on the blog is our vacation. It was probably the best one ever! Porter was so good, and it was so fun to spend a whole week with him(oh, and Jenna and Sean). The weather was perfect. We hardly broke a sweat which was very unusual. We even ate out many times, and Porter was such a good boy.

I am so excited about Fall being here. I love the leaves, the coolness in the air, and the food. We went hiking on Whiteside Mtn. this weekend. It was beautiful! I have chili in the crockpot right now, and cornbread on the way. Until next week...

Monday, March 21, 2011

This Month

This month is flying by. I really hate that. Porter is three weeks and two days old. Emma will graduate from homeschool in less than two months. Will will be my last one left to homeschool and that is only for one year. Am I having a pity party, well maybe. But truly I have so much to be thankful for. I am so thankful that the Lord got a hold of me and gave me a heart to come home from work and be a homekeeper and mother. Is it easy and do I do everything right? Not at all, but I do love it. The close relationship I have with my children, because we are together all day every day and have been for the last ten years is a blessing.

I pray that Jenna will not take one minute for granted in the raising of Porter. She has been blessed beyond measure to have a husband that is willing and able to support her so that she can stay home and raise children. If that were not the case she would be looking at returning to work in about three to four weeks.

I am so happy that we get to go see Porter tomorrow. Jenna says that he is out growing his newborn clothes, so I can't wait to see how much he has grown in the last week and a half. I wish we could slow time down so that he doesn't grow up too fast. I love all the little noises and stretches. I love the way he just melts into you when you hold him. I love you so much Porter!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


OT.- Gatekeeper, Doorkeeper
NT.- Doorkeeper, Watcher

For a day in Thy courts is better than a thousand elsewhere. I had rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God, than to dwell in the tents of wickedness. Ps. 84:10

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Nonni Brain

I must have Nonni brain, I'm not even making soup. Ha! Soup is on the menu for Thursday night. Surely I won't be at home making soup on Thursday.

Everybody is ready! I want to see Porter's little face and smell him and sing to him. I think the last two weeks seems longer than the whole nine months. I'm sure Sean and Jenna feel the same.

Don't grow too much little buddy. Let's keep this simple.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Soup or No Soup

Not sure if I should put the soup in the Crock Pot in the morning or not. With Jenna being 3 cm dialated I'm not sure what to do. I guess we can always unplug and take it with us.

I can't wait to meet Porter. It will be no more than 4 days! I haven't told Jenna that Todd dreamed he was fat with red hair when he was born. I love red hair.

Anyway, come on Porter you can do it, just be nice to Mama and don't hurt her too much.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Because I Love Porter

The flu bug has just about shut down our home. Since Monday Todd and Will have been down with chills, fever, body aches, cough, headache, did I mention Will's sore throat? We almost made a run to Urgent Care this morning, but decided to wait a little longer. His throat is a little better than this morning. We are trying to get it healed before the Super Bowl hot wings and brownies that he plans to partake of tomorrow. A friend of mine told me that this particular flu is rearing it's ugly head in the throat. She said if I would gargle with Peroxide it would kill any germs that might be starting. So, because of my love for Porter, and wanting to be well in case Jenna goes into labor---I DID IT! Anyone that knows me and my hate of anything that does not taste good, knows how bad I do not want to get sick. Thank you Porter for holding on a little longer. By the way it was not that bad while it was in my mouth, then it decided to foam up and come out of my nose, not so great.

I wonder how many more days before I can be a Nonni. I am so ready. Thinking about the phone call when it comes, and trying to get everyone together to head over to Sean and Jenna's seems crazy. Best case scenario would be about 6:00pm on a Friday night. Wishful thinking I know. Oh well whenever it is we are all ready.